Our Services

Almond Arboriculture can help your yard thrive in a variety of ways.

Tree Selection & Planting

We have extensive knowledge of the trees that grow best in this area. We can work with the shape, light and structure of your yard to help you select optimal trees that will become part of your home’s imprint on the landscape. Planting is an investment, and we want you to maximize the return you receive over time for each plant, shrub and tree you add to your lawn.


Pruning is an essential service to protect and preserve your trees and home. Proper pruning prolongs the life of trees and bushes, providing benefits in both appearance and structure. Almond Arboriculture offers one-time pruning as well as pruning contracts so you don’t have to keep up with maintenance. This saves time and money over the long-term and keeps your yard healthy for years to come.

Tree Removal & Stump Grinding

Although we want to save trees whenever possible, we recognize that sometimes trees must come down. Our expert tree removal services prevent damage to your home or yard. We also offer stump grinding to remove those unsightly eyesores left behind after cutting.

Deep Root Feeding & Fertilization

Deep root feeding is one of the tools we use to save a tree that seems past its prime. Deep root feeding can truly bring trees back to life. It keeps mature trees healthy and allows you to enjoy many more years of their beauty and grandeur, preserving your trees and saving you the expense of removal.

Landscape Projects & Mulching

Our educated approach to landscaping has one goal in mind: to help every tree, plant and shrub in your yard co-exist in an optimal ecosystem that promotes their beauty and thriving. We use our expertise and experience to help you create the yard of your dreams, and we offer regular maintenance, including organic mulching, to preserve your yard’s natural aesthetic.

Tree Care for Life

Our unique “Tree Care for Life” program provides regular monitoring, pruning and care throughout the year to keep trees healthy and beautiful. Our scheduled maintenance service enables trees to survive for generations, and it means you will never need to call a tree service again! We will be on call to inspect and treat any tree issues.